July 4, 1997

JPL Issues Success Story on PI's TerrAvoid in Time for Mars Landing

July 4, 1997


TerraAvoid, a terrain avoidance system for airplanes and part of the Position Integrity product line, was highlighted today in the release of a success story on its founders.  The full web site story can be found at:




JPL's Technology Affiliates Office timed the release to correspond with the successful landing of the Mars Pathfinder mission and the deployment of the six-wheeled 23-pound rover named Sojourner.  Since over 1 million hits were being received each day at JPL's computers from interested observers on the Mars mission, JPL also wanted to show off technology it help to foster back here on planet Earth. 


TerrAvoid was designed to use the data from the upcoming Shuttle Radar Topography Mission which is also a NASA/JPL initiative.


For more information contact Robert A. Severino at Position Integrity or by email at robert.severino@positionintegrity.com


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